In the beginning there were cakes, and cakes were goooood!
In honor of the fact that I am having a horrible sinus attack and the fact that I am busy packing for a little trip tomorrow, I’m just going to post a few photos of old cakes. El Cakes are viejo y modelo. “The cakes are old and moldy.” That line from the movie, Encino Man, was the first spanish sentence that I ever learned except they said that the cheese is old and moldy. Cakes taste much better, so I went with cake on this one.
These are a few pictures from the first year that I started decorating cakes. I look back now and can see how far I’ve come and it makes me kinda proud. I still have a lot further to go to live up to some of my cake idols like Ruth Rickey and Bronwen Webber. Although the learning process has been fustrating at times, it is so fun to decorate a cake that people love. Most people won’t notice all the flaws that I notice but I still need to do my best.
So here’s a little walk down memory lane, also known as icing overdose…..
my first baby shower cake. Really cute but do you realize that you eat a baby?
I love this christmas cake. It is really easy for beginners. I might do one again this christmas and post a tutorial.
My first two tiered cake. The icing was literally melting off the cake. Yes, buttercream icing can melt in high temps and high humidity. Welcome to Houston, we have both those qualifications on a daily basis.
Another Dora cake. This was the first time trying to make my own fondant. Dora looked like she had just run a marathon and hadn’t showered in weeks. Everything had a greasy sheen to it. I never tried that fondant again!
The first birthday cake that someone paid me to do. So many flaws on this one! Can you see the cake peeking through on the bottom left of the cake? You can’t spot all the flaws, but trust me… I know they are there.
Apple Spice Cake with Caramel frosting and royal icing snow flakes. Yum-o. We couldn’t even wait to take a picture before we carved that sucker up.
Another baby shower cake. I really liked this cake. I can see some beginner flaws but I had a lot of fun with it and that’s what counts!
I’m sure there will be more cake triumphs and some more disasters but at least I love doing it!
Tomorrow I leave for DFW area to visit friends and family. I’ll be gone a week. I’m planning on taking my laptop but chances are it will still be sitting under my bed when I pull out of the driveway. So if you don’t see me for a week, I don’t have the swine flu, I’m just having technical difficulties.