My Salvation Story

Maker of Things - Life, Parenting, Travel, Crafts, and Messes
by Bobbie Byrd
[…] a christian, the day that I accepted Christ is the most memorable day of my life. I remember the call of Christ on my life and how I felt the second that I decided that I could no longer deny Him. There was a change […]
I have something embarrassing to tell you, my friends. (Deep breaths)… I know this is a judgment free zone (because yall forgive me for having the world’s worst looking hot glue gun).. so here it goes….. My front door is naked. Naked. It’s bad enough that the previous owners painted it a very unfortunate shade […]
It’s always funny when you’re packing everything up at the end of the Christmas season and somehow you need to figure out how to stuff 35 paper Christmas gift bags into one tiny wrapping paper storage box. There’s also a little bit of sadness when a really cute gift bag that you found gets torn […]
That was a beautiful story Bobbie. Thanks for sharing.
You might not beleive me, but I’m serious, the same thing happened to me when I was 16. I was at a church confernce in New Orleans, and I heard God speak to me. It was a little frightening to me. Well really a lot frightening. So much so, I got up and walked out of the church. Luckily, I walked back in because once I thought about it that was really quite rude, and even if I was scared that’s no way to treat the Lord and savior. I like your story better. Its more appropriate. Less ummmm. . . dingle dork like. Sorry for my strange use of vocabulary, its what I do when I feel inferior. God bless you, I see the light of God in you, thank you for shining it on me 🙂
I was actually just looking at your cute ruffle wreath while browsing the internet for a craft to do with some friends next week. I saw your faith tab and thought I’d take a look. My hubby is a youth pastor here in Alabama. I cried when I read your testimony. Praise the Lord! I just love to read other people’s testimonies. I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was 7. He has been so good to us. Glad to find a cute craft blog and by someone who has like faith. Do you have any suggestions on cute crafts to do for a ladies fellowship meeting or something to do with apples?
thanks Jessica! Have you thought about doing a simple canvas tote bag with apple prints on it? If you slice an apple vertically it’ll just look like an apple but sometimes if you slice it horizontally it looks like a star from where the seeds are. do you have pintrest? that would be a great place to look. If you need an invite to it, just let me know. God is good to us. Keep up the good fight, I know being a youth pastor’s wife means giving up a lot of your time.
I loved your story. I was saved on May 1, 2011. I had been attending a Church near me pretty regularly for a few months, but had been raised in a different religion. A religion that teaches you that all other religions are wrong, and only this particular religion is the “right” one. I digress. This particular day was just an ordinary Sunday, or so I thought. I had been living a very sinful, destructive life. I’m not proud of the wife I was at this point in my life, nor the lifestyle I was living. My mom, my son, and myself were at Church, listening to an amazing preacher talk about how he had been saved years before. I began crying. And in my head, I heard as clear as day, “It’s okay, Maggie. You don’t have to do this alone. It’s ok. Come to me.” By this time I was sobbing uncontrollably, and I went forward. My life hasn’t been the same since. I try really hard to live a good life. I’m not perfect, but you know what? God doesn’t expect me to be perfect. He just wants me to keep trying. I still cry almost every Sunday at some point in the service. I believe this is my soul getting rid of all the pain, and letting the Holy Spirit in. Anyway, I don’t normally follow sites like this, but I feel a kindred spirit in you. Thanks. 🙂
I am so happy to hear a similar story where you also heard the voice. I don’t meet people like that often, if ever, and sometimes I actually feel silly telling people that part of it but I can’t deny it.
Your story just gave me goosebumps! Really! Praising Jesus for you! 🙂
Thank you so much.
It was wonderful hearing your story of salvation. We may not get to meet on earth but I will meet you in the sky.
I love this so much. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing your inspiring story. I’m so thankful that we serve a God who meets us where we are and never gives up on us.
Just today I found out about Annie Sloan chalk paint from our pastor’s wife and she showed me some of the furniture she had painted. Love it but she did tell me it was somewhat pricey. Then I found your Clumsey Crafter (sounds like me but I do it anyway!) pin on how to make it…so I’m def going to try it. This is the first time I’ve ever commented on a person’s site, but after reading your testimony (which I cried through, awesome!), I just had to tell you what a beautiful testimony of the Lord’s love, grace and revelation in your life. There is nothing like His redeeming Love! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
aw thanks Josie!