The Cat With Eyebrows.
A few weeks ago I saw a funny picture on the internet of a white dog with black eyebrows drawn on. Of course it was turning into a meme with several different quotes. It was hilarious. Seeing it made me wish so badly that we had a white dog. But we only have a brown dog and a black dog. I also didn’t think the tan guinea pig would hold still long enough for me to draw on eyebrows.
Let’s not talk about how long it took me to figure out that we have a white cat. Brain cells are not my speciality.
So saturday night after the kids had gone to bed I grabbed my eye shadow and added two nice dark brown eyebrows to the cat. It was funny but looking at her right away, it wasn’t rib splitting funny like I thought it would be. Now I realize it’s because I expected to see the eyebrows. She ran off and I decided to lay on the couch and watch a girly sad chick flick, The Last Song.
It’s a horribly sad movie that makes me cry and then add in the fact that I have to watch Miley Cyrus for two hours because I love the movie more than her horrible acting skills and I was sobbing. Damion was at the movies, the kids were in bed and I was able to sit there with a red face, tears running down my cheeks and just let it all out. Right? Well until I heard a crash in the kitchen and realized that the dogs had just dumped out the trash can.
I sprinted into the kitchen, yelling like a lunatic at the dogs will trying to get the crying under control. Then I saw it. Sitting on the back of the couch just surveying the damage the dogs had caused was our cat….. with eyebrows. She looked shocked but I really don’t think she had any other choice of how to look because of the eyebrows.
All the sudden, it was hilarious. I went from sobbing to laughing hysterically in under 2 seconds. Eventually I got the trash cleaned up and went back to finish sobbing my way through the movie and forgot again about the cat with eyebrows.
After the movie was done I headed into our bedroom to read and wait for Damion to come back from his movie and once again… there was a very shocked cat sitting on the end of my bed, very stoically. Once again I lost it. Two more times that night I burst out laughing when I just happened to find the cat’s latest perch and she was slowly look down at me, sporting her groucho marks eyebrows.
At that point I realized that drawing eyebrows on the cat was purely the best decision I’ve made in weeks.
White animals, go adopt one now!
THIS IS HILARIOUS. Pretty sure I’m going to have to do this to Jill when Trey isn’t paying attention. 😀
Oh my! Trey would kill you! Please let me come watch his reaction.