Spring Butterfly Wreath
First of all, thank you all for being so generous the past two weeks while I struggled with an evil kidney stone and a sinus attack – at the same time. I know it’s been crickets around here but I’m alive!
Ever since Christmas my front door has been naked. It’s shameful. Awhile back I tore apart my favorite Chalkboard Valentine’s Day Wreath to use the chalkboard heart for something else. This year my daughter cut a heart out of construction paper and hung it on the wreath hook on the front door.
Other than that, our front door has been one step away from the local nudist colony.
I love wreaths and I love having one on our front door.
A few weeks ago I walked into The Dollar Tree on the day that they were putting out Easter decorations. I never make it to The Dollar Tree on the first day their holiday decorations are up. I always get there in time to see a few broken decorations hanging out in the now empty holiday space.
I found so many great items!
But there was one thing that really caught my eye in the fake holiday flower section – long grass pics with fabric butterflies in them. The fabric butterflies were assorted colors and really caught my eye. I grabbed 8 picks of the long grass and then two bunches of yellow daffodils that had one large purple fabric butterfly in the bunch.
If you’re adding up, that’s $10 plus tax.
Then I came home and grabbed some floral wire I had and wired the picks onto the wreath and placed the daffodils in the middle of the grass pics. I also used an old wreath for that I had grabbed for 50 cents at a garage sale.
The fabric butterflies are on wires so they were easy to shape and form to make them look like they are flying out of the wreath.
With a little creativity and about $11, I have a beautiful new spring butterfly wreath.
I also made a bunny wreath using all supplies from The Dollar Tree which I’ll share with you next week.
[…] time I walk by this easter wreath hanging on the wall, it just makes me happy. The Spring Butterfly Wreath is still on my front door so this wreath is hanging by the kitchen table and it looks great […]